At the heart of the Vivité identity lies the monogram with its unambiguous medical connotations – important not only when it comes to communicating with potential clients, but even more so in a medical emergency.
The identity not only comprises applications like website, stationery and other printed matter, but also the user interface of said health document. A series of specially designed icons aid intuitive navigation as much as they are contributing to the instantly recognisable character of the Vivité brand.
The Vivité website is the gateway to the company’s health document – a document that contains all important information about a person’s medical history. The site explains the benefits of the Vivité offering using real life situations and a five minute video.This step by step guide not only introduces the product, it also illustrates how easy it is to access and maintain one’s personal medical profile.
Once a client has registered, the Vivité health document becomes the central resource for the patient’s medical history, constantly being maintained and updated by the Vivité medical team. A specially designed set of icons is the key to an intuitive graphic user interface that enables clients and authorised third parties to retrieve vital medical data without prior knowledge of the system – whether for a routine check up or in a medical emergency.